How to Get Rid of Ants Safely in 2024, Indoors and Outdoors

how to get rid of ants in house

Always remember to wear safety gear such as gloves and closed-toe shoes, and spray around the home away from the body. Store your pesticide bottle in an area that's out of reach for children and pets as these solutions can be deadly when ingested. Carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.), may burrow through structural wood in the home and cause serious damage. These relatively large ants (up to 5/8 inch) are reddish-orange to black and have wings. A clear sign of infestation is residual wood dust and debris around the foundation and sill plate of the home.

Make a homemade ant killer with Borax

She is a professor of Horticulture, an Education Specialist, and a pest specialist. The small tropical Pharaoh’s ant loves to make its home in central-heated blocks of flats. These ants also prefer protein to sweet food and choose to make multiple — difficult to reach — nests within the building structure. Don’t forget pet food bowls – keep these, and the surrounding area where your pets eat, as clean as possible.

Use Outdoor Spray Pesticides

An ant bed or hill in the yard is a danger to anybody who steps on it—and an eyesore if you're a perfectionist about your lawn. It's important to get rid of outdoor ant beds if you have little kids or if the ants keep making their way inside. Spices with strong fragrances such as cinnamon, red pepper and mint can drive ants away from areas of infestation. Sprinkle the substances where you see heavy activity and particularly around doorways and windows. Coffee grounds can be similarly effective in driving ants out but seem to work best in transition areas such as around porches, patios and garages. Lay down talcum powder — A layer of talcum powder in ant entryways is another safe deterrent, and it will also break down the pheromone trail.

How to stop kitchen ants

If you catch them before they make it back and squish them, you should be in the clear. If they make it home and alert workers that there is food nearby, you will have a serious problem on your hand. Other signs you might see are small holes in the surface of wood where the ants have burrowed in. If the holes were made by carpenter ants, there will almost certainly be small piles of coarse sawdust beneath the holes. If neither of these methods nor store-bought chemical ant repellers work and you can't locate the source of the ants on your own, it's time to call an exterminator. They have better tools and other tricks of the trade to help solve your ant problem once and for all.

natural ways to get rid of ants without chemicals

Nonetheless, ants are among the most frequent household pests. There are about 1,000 known ant species in North America and over 12,000 species worldwide. According to Spicer, Saigon cinnamon can be especially effective when sprinkled around anthills, across their paths, on kitchen countertops and along floorboards. And cinnamon essential oil can effectively repel and exterminate ants, too. As common household pests go, ants can try a homeowner’s patience. Your local hardware store will have pesticides available to purchase DIY style, but it's important to take precautions when using these potent solutions.

To get rid of carpenter ants, resolve the problem that is causing the damp wood they love. Repair leaks, direct water away from the foundation of the house, and add circulating fans to dry the area as quickly as possible. You'll need to become an ant private investigator and follow the odorous house ants to see where they are entering your home and what they are attracted to inside. Once you discover an ant infestation, here's how to get rid of ants and prevent reinfestation.

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your House and Yard

For this reason, make sure to treat every ant hole you see within your home’s proximity. Tea tree oil has been shown to effectively kill flies, which may indicate it could be an effective ant deterrent. You may be able to find peppermint oils at your local grocery chain or health food store. It’s imperative to keep borax away from pets and children as it may be harmful. Pill bugs thrive in damp environments with high humidity, such as under mulch, compost, flowerpots, rotting boards, and other wet ground. They find their way indoors, seeking moisture and shelter through common entry points like door and foundation gaps, openings, cracks, and crevices.

Ants can’t stand the smell of citrus, making both lemon juice and orange peels useful for ant control. Place your leftover peels near any entrance the ants might crawl through, or add a little bit of lemon juice to your cleaning solution when you wash the floors. There are many home remedies for ants inside your home that you can turn to instead of calling an exterminator. Fire ants can be a particularly tricky type of ant to get rid of because you need to kill the queen to destroy the colony. White vinegar, available at all grocery stores, is a cheap and effective way to kill and repel ants. Outside your home, clean and repair gutters to prevent water from pooling around the roof or foundation.

Once that happens, hundreds of others can follow the trail to the food source. The best way to keep ants out of your home is to make sure that they can't get in. Fill all cracks with caulk, secure any loose baseboards, and patch any drywall holes. It's also important to walk around your home's exterior and examine the foundation for holes, cracks, or other potential entry points for ants and other pests. Carefully carry the pot outside and slowly pour the hot water into the top of the ant hill. The boiling water will flood the ant colony and prevent the ants from escaping and finding refuge inside your home.

Commercial products are also available to help kill or detract these pests. Dealing with a pill bug infestation can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can eliminate them from your home. The main strategies for removing pill bugs from your home include minimizing moisture, removing debris, and sealing pest entry points. Other strategies involve using DIY natural and chemical remedies and contracting professional help.

how to get rid of ants in house

You must identify the trails, find the nest, and identify and target the queen ant. Use the worker ants' behavior to get rid of ants by sending them back to the nest with some form of poisoned food (ant bait). Ants are social creatures that form colonies with a queen and thousands of worker ants. The worker ants roam outside the nest to retrieve food for the queen and young ants. These worker ants form and follow trails to lead them back to the nest once they discover a food source in your home.

4 Easy Tricks To Get Rid Of Ants From Your Home - The Daily Progress

4 Easy Tricks To Get Rid Of Ants From Your Home.

Posted: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Strongly scented sprays made with vinegar and essential oils like citrus are great at creating a border or line that ants won't cross. Unfortunately, there's no natural solution to keep the ants away permanently, but with regular maintenance and upkeep you can keep them away for a long time. If you prefer to avoid chemical treatments, a combination of home remedies for ants may help get rid of an ant infestation, though the process may take more time. Remember that while it can be helpful to find natural products to aid in ant prevention, a large-scale infestation may require the use of more stringent ant killers. Some common household products may help you get rid of ants, such as white vinegar, Borax, essential oils, and coffee grounds. That said, certain items may not be safe to use around pets or children.


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